The truth is the best picture, the best propaganda.” / Robert Capa/
Technical sports fan.
JAPAN fan…
…and so on. But how do photography and I come together? Well! Year 2005 has been a milestone in my life. Due to a fortunate turn of events, I’ve found myself dropped into the high-tech world of Japan.
And that’s where the story begins. Those amazing places have given me a strong inspiration to equip myself with a camera and to try to depict all the beauties of this country into memories.
With unbroken motivation, spending endless hours with learning, and putting my images to the challenge via various forums and contests, I ended up choosing professional photography as the walk of my life.
My equipment has been renewed a couple of times since, and I’m feeling proud of having more and more contracts completed.
I aim at creating a relaxed atmosphere to make my photoshoots more comfortable and to avoid suffering through the wonderful moments.
If You are looking for a cheerful, humorous photographer to capture Your wedding day, the growing up of Your kids, Your pets playing around or other meaningful moments, I’m definitely the One for You.
I’m looking forward to working together!